Interview with Lily Ackerly – Marketing Manager, Yoga Teacher, & Podcast Host of Ecommerce Influence

I first met Lily back in 2019.

We all came down to Raleigh, NC for a workshop on YouTube advertising. At the time, Lily was the Sr. Ecommerce Manager at Freefly Apparel, a fast growing apparel brand she helped build from the ground up.

We’ve kept in touch over the years and it’s been fun to see her evolve. Today, Lily is the Marketing Manager at Brand Growth Experts where she helps ecommerce stores ideate creative campaigns and strategies for customer acquisition and retention. She is also the producer of the popular podcast, Ecommerce Influence. I’m excited to have her be part of this series 🙂.

Here are a few things you’ll pick up from this interview:

  • The importance of time blocking your day (even the non work stuff) ⏱
  • The importance of developing a habit of ‘free writing’ ✍
  • The two types of overwhelm and how to conquer each 😫
  • How she thinks about directing her energy ⚡

Let’s jump into the interview.

What does your work routine look like? Describe your typical day.

I handwrite 3 pages of ‘free writing’ every day. This is the Morning Pages exercise from The Artists Way by Julia Cameron and it’s absolutely one of the best things I do for myself.

From there I have coffee and walk the dog – getting outside and getting a little movement are also key parts to a good day over a bad day for me. 

8:30AM. I take 30 minutes to plan my day. I hand write big projects, smaller tasks & time block my day.

Note: I love the RocketBook Panda Planner because it’s reusable and a little more environmentally friendly since I do a lot of hand writing!

9AM. I take an hour for content digestion. This includes checking Twitter (on TweetDeck so I can stay focused), reading newsletters or saved articles. I have a content engine board in Notion where I take notes on things of interest that I might go deeper in to turn into my own content later. 

10AM starts whatever else is happening that day, meetings, dedicated project time etc. 

12pm. I almost always time block lunch and a walk and I almost never take it. This is probably one of the biggest improvements to my schedule I want to make! I often eat while at my computer – not the best.

I try to wrap up by 5pm and then get outside again with the dog or go to the gym or yoga. 

What’s your secret to an effective work setup?


Just kidding – this is an interesting question for me right now because I have been “wandering” and have not had a permanent residence since Oct 2021. I’ve been changing locations every few weeks (sometimes longer). So I’ve really had a chance to see what type of environment works well for me and what doesn’t. 

My non-negotiables: natural light & a view (can just be a tree but something to look at out a window while I think), Bluetooth mouse & unlimited access to filtered water.

My nice-to-haves: double screens (laptop + monitor), option to stand, ball chair (I like sitting on a ball but a little easier so you can do it all day long) 

What helps you stay focused?

Time blocking. I really like the CaveDay process where you set a timer and commit to working on one thing, undistracted, for that period. Then take a break. 

What do you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed?

I think there are a couple types of overwhelm so I’ll address each. 

1: in the moment overwhelm where right at that time I feel like I need some space. For this I use my breath to slow down, take some deep breaths and then step back in to whatever the situation was with a clearer head (this can be done even in seconds). 

2: the slow creep to overwhelm and burn out. When I get here I know it’s time to look at my schedule and start saying no to things. I feel grateful to be part of a team that respects this and I can easily raise my hand and say that I need help and together we can look at the calendar and see what can shift. But this also means saying no to things in my personal life, that’s a little harder. 

You’re a marketing manager, podcast producer, and yoga teacher. What strategy do you use to prioritize your work effectively?

What’s going to move the needle, and what’s going to be fun. Try not to do anything else 🙂 

Obviously easier said than done but that’s a filter I try to run everything through. If it’s not fun and it’s not a needle pusher I really consider why I’m doing it and if it could be delegated or just stopped. 

How do you strike the right balance between work and life?

I think about my energy a lot. I have a TON of interests and things I do – but I can’t do them all at the same time. So I look at the areas where I feel I most need to direct my energy and focus on one or two things. I evaluate this every month or so, or when I am feeling overwhelmed. 

I look at this like a wheel of energy with points like: career, relationship, family, self care, spirituality, creativity etc. The areas that feel weak are where I try to focus.

(This is an idea I got from Charleston local Jen Snyder.)

What book or podcast has shaped the way you work or think?

So many. I already mentioned it but The Artists Way was definitely a game changer for me. 

A few other books – The Alchemist. The Four Agreements (I try to focus on one agreement at a time), Skill in Action (workshop style yoga book but the lessons are applicable to any life), Lead From the Outside. I feel like you can probably tell I approach business with a yoga mindset and yoga with a business mindset from this list now that I look at it haha.

Editor’s note: check out the recommended reading list for marketers.

Share one productivity tool or tip that has impacted the way you work.

Time blocking.

Everyone says it but so many people I talk to let their blocked time be taken over. Don’t do that! Set boundaries with yourself and your team and respect the time you carve out.

Remember – time blocking a walk or massage or other “non-work” thing is also super important to your overall performance.

Any parting advice for marketers and podcasters?

Stay curious my friends! 


Thank you Lily!

You can find Lily on LinkedIn.